Monday, April 29, 2013

One Curable Disease.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

This is a disease that I would like to see go away. So many people are diagnosed with this disease every year. About 1 in 500 have this  condition that effects the heart. Athletes with this condition can no longer do extraneous and competitive activities. That would include swimming, football, gymnastics, track and field, cross country, basketball, baseball, etc. 
This condition causes sudden cardiac arrest, which in some cases, causes death. About
              Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease in which the heart muscle (myocardium) becomes abnormally thick — or hypertrophied. This thickened heart muscle can make it harder for the heart to pump blood. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may also affect the heart's electrical system.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy often goes undiagnosed, because many of those with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy have few, if any, symptoms. In a small number of people with this condition, the thickened heart muscle can cause signs and symptoms, such as shortness of breath and problems in the heart's electrical system resulting in life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias).
Fortunately, people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy often lead normal lives with no significant problems.
Unfortunately, very last sentence is somewhat incorrect. The athletes that are fortunate enough to have been diagnosed with this condition before it took their lives are still here to live, breathe, talk, you know, what humans do. But, they are not able to do any of the sports they were able to do before. This happened to me, and it's very emotional because I loved to run. I did track and I absolutely loved it. 
    Advertising for this particular condition is relatively hard to do because not everyone knows about this disease. There are support groups, though. is a prime example of one of these support groups. I urge you to check it out because there are way more facts given in this website than are listed here. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Desert Dance Theme

Night in Hawaii

This dance theme would be perfect for our class. Our class is laid back and relaxed. Glow in the Dark is a bit too uptight and crazy. I can just imagine in my mind strobe lights and black lights glowing everywhere and people going crazy. Hawaii is supposed to be a place where people go to relax and have fun and that's exactly what the desert dance does for us. It's our last dance. Shouldn't we make it last? Neverland doesn't appeal to all types of audiences. Some might say it's too nerdy and weird. Hawaii is warm, and beautiful. Just like summer! It'll be the perfect preceding action before summer for us. All of us are looking forward to it, so why not start out early. We could have white "sand", colorful place settings, and a tropical ambiance. I can already imagine this in my head. I am willing to contribute my after school time to making this go right. 
The photo booths could be decorated in tropical flowers and colorful animals to make the night go perfect. This will be a night that I think most people my age would be looking forward too. I mean, who doesn't want to go to Hawaii? 


Saturday, April 13, 2013

"Smile Like That" Review

Smile Like That
~Esperanza Spalding.

Official Review.
I really like the flow of this song. The way that it's pitched makes you feel like you're alive with the song. It's almost as if your heart beats along with this because you're so lost into the rhythm. 
 The way the song progresses from a sweet type of pitch to a more mellow type of pitch gives the song a more sense of variety and rounded characteristics. The breakdown in between the verses and bridges do not make it for me. I think that it takes away from the skeleton of the song. Sure, it gives an alternate perspective and insight for some people, but it's not needed. 
Overall, this song is prime example of modern jazz fused with some R&B. Very soulful and down-to-Earth. Enjoy! 

Favorite Music Things

These are all my favorite genera's/artists/themes.

           I absolutely love contemporary jazz type stuff. For example, Norah Jones, Esperanza Spalding, artists like that. Anything that can relax you. 
           I also love Mumford and Son's and Of Monsters and Men. Kind of like artists that aren't really well known. Coldplay is also very good. 
           A lot of people ask me what my favorite song is, and I tell them that I don't really have one. I have favorite artists and genera's, but not a particular song. Being around music all of the time, I think I've just adapted to so many types, that it's impossible for me to make that judgement. 
           So that's my question for all of you.  

         What's your favorite song? Or artist? Or genera? Leave me some suggestions for things that I should look up! I'd love to hear all of them. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


What's your favorite play/musical? I'd love to hear from you guys! 


I'm going to be auditioning for my school's Musicale Revue. I thought that this would be a perfect opportunity to go over some important focal points for auditioning. Weather or not you're auditioning for a play, or a musical, or just performing your instrument in front of a group of people, these will be sure to help you. 

1. Be yourself.
This I think is the most important thing you need to pay attention to. The judges will notice if you're putting on another face. To put it bluntly, you won't get the part that you want. 

2. Have fun with it. 
People need to learn how to relax and just have some fun! Make it your own! 

This is basically all you have to do in order to make an impression on your judges. Good luck to everyone!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013



Hello everyone! This is Kap. I am a Piano, Clarinet, Trumpet and Guitar player. I also sing a little bit. I'm from a small town in Oregon and it's a very close-knit community. That's really helped with my performing. Everyone knows everybody and I love that feeling. I feel like I should share my love for music and performing arts with the whole world. Please give me suggestions because this blog is mostly decided by you. I'll be giving tips on performing and also be reviewing up and coming artists that don't get that much attention in the media. 
I hope you enjoy!

-Kap Wilson